The foremost top purpose of the committee, consisting of members well-experienced in marketing communication areas, is to ensure the launch of the new ARTED websited with an innovative approach to make sure that its contents are constantly complete updated; in the long term, its ultimate purpose is to undertake all communication activities of ARTED.
Pelin Keskinoğlu
ARTED Communication Working Group Head
- To turn ARTED website into a highly popular online site which is frequently visited by both members other stakeholders.
- To ensure the launch of the new ARTED websited with an innovative approach to make sure that its contents are constantly complete updated so as to provide benefit to other stakeholders.
- To review current information work groups to edit them as news articles to upload them to the web site.
- To ensure that ARTED activities sector events are announced published at the website to upload important dates to the event calendar.
- To carry out all communication operations of ARTED.